
søndag den 7. juli 2013

It has begun...

Hello internet my name is Jonas... And i wanna be a photographer... 
I actually want to be it so much, that i've moved away from my home in Jutland, Denmark. To a small danish island called Bornholm... 
That's my grandmother packing some food for me... She doesn't like when i take pictures of her... So don't tell her about this one ;)...

Bornholm for me is a challenge for me... Because i only from the start knew 2 people over here... My boss Niels and his photo intern (an old classmate of mine from Viborg...) Nikolaj... And i've never been really on my own before... I've either been living at home, on a continuation school, Højskole, or even on a college... All these places have 2 things in common... There's always people around you... And some kitchen staff who cooks the food for you... So you're never "on your own"... But on Bornholm i am... I only know 2 people... And i'm now learning how to cook... First day i tried to make meatballs from scratch... it ended up tasting like twist-bread... Don't ask me how that happened... it just did XD

This is where i'm gonna be living most of my time on Bornholm... It's my boss's "summer house"
I was supposed to live in the house above all the time, while i was over here... But my boss had promised it to some others... (I knew that before accepting the job) So i've only been living there for 4 days... 

As you can see it's a VERY small house... In the kitchen i have to kinda bend my back a little bit to avoid banging my head in to the sealing... But i can stand up and move around normally in the living room, and my bedroom... 

That's the temporary place... My... Goosh i really need to tidy-up that room...
So that's where i'm gonna live for the next 2 weeks... A small room on the harbour in Nexø... It's actually not as bad as it sounds... And i actually like living there :).

This is where i work
And it's a very nice place to work... One week and i'm allready crying when thinking that i'm only gonna be here till December... 
Also my boss have actually made me help voluntarily yesterday and today... Even though i actually weren't supposed to be working... But Saturday when i was over getting somethings from the fridge... He walked towards me, while he was carrying this Canon 1DX camera (A REAALY NICE CAMERA!) He only managed to say: "Jonas will you take the camera..." Before i stood with it in my hands... Nodding: "YES, YES, YES!" Like a little boy who'd just gotten a new toy from his father... So i took 10 minutes of my saturday, and spent them on taking pictures of something that was happening on the square in Nexø. 
Sunday again i was over there getting something from the fridge and some batteries for my Nikon F3 (my analogue camera)... When he started unboxing a GoPro camera... Not to test it sadly :(... But to learn about it... But i'm curious by nature... So i helped him, and we discussed and talked about all the features, trying to figure out if it had microphone built in, or not... We agreed on that it didn't... 

So it's a good place, i like my boss and hopefully he also likes me :) 

Harbor "festival" / some kind of small tivoli thing...
Friday to Sunday (today) there was this harbor party of some kind... I was only over there Friday and Saturday... I figured that was a great place to meet new people... But i didn't meet anyone... Their loss, i'm just gonna keep my eyes peeled for opportunities to meet new friends.

Thats right those sneaky bastards! That's not the real ice blue ice cream truck... That's some phoney trick! Found it when i was out driving looking for: Abandoned houses, historical landmarks, and beautiful photo locations this Saturday.

Rasmus the Barkeeper
After not having any success meeting new people or friends at the harbor thing... I decided to try a bar... I only found one... Grand something... Small bar only old people (40+)... But they were freindly so i started talking to them... And the one i liked the most was the barkeeper Rasmus who originally came from Vejle... He even gave me a free beer... Now that's what i call a real bartender...

An old wierd but nice man
Another person that i also met was this guy... I couldn't understand most of what he was saying... He was speaking with this old mumbling drunk "Bornholmske" accent... But he was originally from a little town called Søby on Ærø... Didn't know that existed... I only know one Søby and that one is on Jutland... 

One very weird tree...
Now please note this tree... i'm gonna use it for my next BIG photo experiment... Where i'm gonna use both my digital and my analogue knowledge... 

I think this is all for today... Now i hope i'm gonna be able t write something here everyday... While the "adventure" goes on... I'm not gonna write this much... This was 7 days cooked down into one post...

Now i gotta return to the adventure... And everyone remember... Your life is also an adventure... You just have to live it! :)

Love the adventurous photographer on Bornholm :)


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