
onsdag den 31. juli 2013

Something about needing to push myself...

I've through danish model website called "" and through my friend Nikolaj gotten myself some model contacts... I've gotten some ideas that i need to try out sometime... But i still got two problems... Problem number 1 is that i'm afraid of texting or calling them... Second problem is that i can't see the details in my ideas... I've gotten overall ideas about making something like "that"... But when working with models... You need specifics... Because they can't see what you're seeing... Gotta work on that... Gotta get those ideas out of my head in specifics... And i'm gonna have to take the plunge, and start booking... 

But then again i'm still location scouting... Maybe the specifics comes with the right location...  Well, i gotta keep on working... Gotta keep taking pictures... But most important... I'm gonna have to "man up!" That was after all one of the many reasons to why i took this job over here... 

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