
søndag den 20. oktober 2013

Juust a slight detour...

Now as a photographer... An adventures one... You have to travel some, and take as many opportunities to learn, and try new things. 

So some time ago, i heard about this "photomeetup" in Copenhagen allegedly the biggest one in Denmark. And i was like: "I live on Bornholm, that's not that far away from Copenhagen... I better get one of those "Bornholmer Kort", so i can travel to Copenhagen cheap. 

Only one problem... There's only one cheap way to leave Bornholm, and thats by ferry... AND FERRY LEAVES PORT 6:20! I'M NOT AN A PERSON!!
It was a miracle i got out of bed... I think i thought i was dreaming the alarm i set for 5 woke me up. It was only till i heard the one 5:10 i started thinking something was wrong with the alarm clock... "It's not 5 yet!" I thought... Then in some kind of morning haze i accidentally looked at the clock... 5:15... 5:15? 5:15!!! Omg! I need a shower, clothes, and a 30 minute drive to Rønne... Now you're thinking: "That's more than enough time." But me i'm very slow in the morning... And i know it... So speedy, speedy... And i remembered my tickets, equipment, and almost everything else... BUT i forgot my "Bornholmer Kort"! Which meant i had to pay full price... Very important for me to get to Copenhagen, so i paid... No reason to cry over wasted milk. 

3 hours travel... Luckily i love traveling. It's so relaxing, and you can watch that movie you haven't had time to watch.

9:20... Copenhagen. I got out of the bus, looking forward to the photomeetup. the sky was blue, the air full of poisoned CO2. I took a breath, and almost killed myself... Nah, i was fine.
But my white "photo umbrella" didn't survive the trip... So i thought: "Hmm... I could try without, or i could go looking for the nearest PhotoCare..." I looked up: "PhotoCare København". I thought i could go in there, and buy something used... Maybe butterfly him a little by telling him i WAS from another PhotoCare, and also maybe say something about i'm looking for an internship. Buut, it was Sunday, and Sunday means that almost all stores are closed, including PhotoCare.
So i started walking towards my first stop... Christiania... It's a tradition, i love that place, so different and free. 
Anyhow... This is what you find when using a public toilet in Copenhagen
It says: "ONLY cannulas goes in the cannulabox..." 
When seeing that, i immediately said to myself: "Welcome to the big city..." And then a little later i met some... I think danish tourists, who asked me for directions... Now i'm from Jutland... And i've only been in copenhagen 3 times... I replied: "I live on Bornholm..." And they were like: "Ooow... Well thanks."

So after being reminded about how different Copenhagen is, compared to Herning, i started my journey to christiania... And with a black leather jacket, and my big photo bag, and maybe  just a liiitle of jutlandish gumption. I arrived 40 minutes later, an was met with the same feeling of excitement as the first time i visited Christiania. 
It's like... You walk in this modern city, with people acting like robots, driving the same volvo, having the same children, in an automated search of happiness... But then you get sick of that, and start looking for the spectacular, the different... And then you find this special place in this new, and modern city... It's, just so magical... And then you see all the drugs, and some guy just stares at your camera: "Is it off?... It better be off... I'm gonna let this one slide." But if you look past the drugs... And seek out the real christiania (where you can take pictures). You'll find this magical ravaged place, where you wonder why anyone can live there.

Anyhow moving on to the photomeetup, there was like a LOT of people... Sadly but expected more photographers than models. Many showing off with big advanced flash systems, and fancy cameras... Me, i had my light stand, one speedlight, and a broken photo umbrella... And also some spare batteries, and extra lenses... Simple packing... 
I started asking around if someone had an umbrella i could borrow for my flash... And after a little while the guy who arrenged it all came to me: "Are you still looking for an umbrella?" I of course replied yes... And then he said: "I might have one in my car, please follow me." When we then came out to his car he just out of the blue said: "Here, hold my camera." (A very expensive Nikon D4)... Now i know Nikons never break... Have one myself... But i don't have 40.000 kr. to spend on a new camera... So i was verrry carefull. Looking at it, touching it softly. And then he gave me an umbrella, and i was like: "When do i return it?" And he said: "Keep it, i don't use it anymore..." That really saved my day...

So i started "shooting" some pictures, when my phone said someone had written a comment to my "checkin" on Facebook... You know, i had to tell Facebook that i'm in Copenhagen of course... Anyhow, it was an old friend whom i hadn't seen in many years... He asked if we could meet, so i gave him the address to the photomeetup. So i took a break from shooting, and caught up with my friend, had a blast, and we visited Christiania, before he took me back, and saw me "shoot" for some time, then we said goodbye. 

Now besides from meeting old friends, i met some photographers, and models... And actually the one photographer i talked most with, was a guy that i'm following on Facebook... (I first found out about that some days after i got home...) But we pretty much agreed on that it was a little sad to see all the 35+ women in "sexy" outfits... He inspired me to be more outgoing, and not so much an "underdog". 

At 17:00 people started going home... I'd gotten pretty much what i came for... So i took off, and started walking back to the bus... And when i was almost at the bus stop... I saw something i hadn't seen for around 2-3months... A McDonalds restaurant... And this is where it get's dangerous... Because... I was hungry... And i had some spare time... SO I ATE A BURGER... okay! I know i'm gonna be fat... But it was soooo good... Damn you Copenhagen... Clean for 3 months... And then this... I'm weak! 

Burger done... On the bus... Then on the ferry... And then home! And then sleep!

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