
søndag den 20. oktober 2013

The clumsy unlucky mee...

Today (Sunday the 10th of October) i set out to find the chapel of Salomon... Now i have no pictures from the trip... Because i luckily left my camera at home. But i set out to find the chapel of salomon... A ruin probably as old as "Hammershus"... And with some help from my boss, who shoved me the right location on a map... I was able to find it... Guarded by an army of sheeps, and their sheep shit... I had to walk trough the army of sheeps, and their sheep shit, which was all over the place... Try to avoid it... YOU CAN'T! Stupid sheeps.

Anyhow i walked the distance, and found the Chapel. But darkness was upon me, so i took some mental notes, for the light painting idea i had, and then i started walking back... One problem though... It had become so dark i couldn't find the road... So survival instinct hit... I had my map, i knew in which direction the nearest city was, i knew in which direction the ocean was, and i could see a land mark... So i pulled out the map, and started walking... And i think i at first was walking in the right direction... But when i lost sight of the landmark (a light tower called Hammerenfyr)... I kept on walking in what i thought was the right direction. But when i came to an open spot where i could see the light tower again... It was closer, which meant i'd been going in the wrong direction... So i started walking in another direction. And i found the city... But not the parking lot... An idea struck: "Go to the city, and ask for directions... You're hungry, and have been going for 45 minutes (not kidding!)..." So i started climbing down this mix between cliff and danish forrest thing... And it just kept getting steeper, and steeper, until i got to this very steep and slippery spot. 

I realized that i had to sit and slowly and controlled stretch, and reach the next little piece of ancient seafloor (that's what most of the island is made of)... But when i was almost in sitting position... My foot slept... Sliding down the ancient sea floor, on to the next one, past that one, and a couple more... Oh yeah, and i was in the other end...Trying to grab what ever i could... Funny thing, i landed on my ass, almost lost my glasses, nothing broken... And alive... 
Now i know i didn't die... But that feeling of me loosing power over what happens next... I thought it would be a lot worse... I was sure that if i survived that fall, i would break something... It was very steep! 

I got up... Damage check like the terminator: "Any systems reporting errors..." "Yes! Ass is complaining a lot!" "Okay... But everything else is working?" "Yes..." "Then tell ass to shut up, and start climbing again... We've gotten a lot closer to the city now... And the map... Where's the map?! Oh what the fuck... We don't need that... Go for the light!" 

I got down to the city, and found a sign that said my parking spot was 2 kilometers in a direction i didn't think i could come at the top of the cliffs/ancient seafloor... So.. With ass still complaining i started walking... And i came past this kiosk which was closing, and i saw some guy drop a bag of sweets... Now i'm a nice guy... But still i'm young... And young guys in Denmark has a bad reputation amongst some old people... And this guy was old... Here started a mental discussion with myself...  A part of me wanted to be nice, and pick up the back and give it to the old man... But another part was afraid that he would think i was stealing it, and shout and say things like: thief or vandal... So that part just wanted to keep walking... But i don't wanna live in a society where you'll have to be afraid to help strangers... So i walked over, picked up the bag of sweets, and said: "Excuse me i think you dropped something..." And the guy surprised as he was said: "Thank you, and you just happened to see that." Me feeling kind of awkward: "Yeah well have a good evening." And then i walked away, hearing him talking to a coworker: "That was a nice thing that young man just did"... Now i don't think i've changed that man... But i want to change society... I want clean environment... And young people helping the elders... Or just people doing good deeds... And how do we get to that... Well my pictures depicts society as i see it right now... The wake up call... So what we'll have to do is: "ARK"... one Act of Random Kindness at a time... We need to make random kindness acceptable... By doing random kindness... I'm gonna start... And i hope people will join me.


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