And windy, and rainy… In other words people who say "Bornholm is not Denmark…" You might wanna tell that to the weather… Because it's cold outside now…
And my car is at the auto shop. "You just make sure we have the car by 7:30 Monday, then we'll have all day to look at it." Well they've had all Monday, and Tuesday… Nothing has happened yet (went by both days after work to check on it…).
So i've had to ride the bicycle to and from work the last 2 days. 6.5 kilometers most of them along the coast line… That's cold and wet. Luckily i have a nice and warm house to return too…
In my dreams that is, because my 2 radiators is connected to the power socket, which on the power outlet is the socket right next to the light in my bedroom… So each morning (due to laziness) i'm turning of the power socket to my bed room lightning, instead of bending down in over my bed and turn of the light with the little switch mounted on the light… Long story short… My clumsy fingers also some times turn of the heat in my house. Which is what happened today… Dramatisation here:
So cold and tired as i was i went in through the door, noticing a slight raise in the temperature… First i take off my jacket… Then my shoes… My hallway is always cold, so i hurry into my living room… Which is as cold as my hallway… Feel the radiator... cold… Check the socket… GODDAMN YOU MORNING HURRY CLUMSY JONAS… I see that "morning hurry clumsy Jonas" has left the dive on the "2 chair comfy" i always have (where i eat, work, game, and watch tv… Anyway the lazy bastard most have felt cold due to the cold mornings… Then stretched leaving for work as much as possible (without being late) and then ran out the door hitting both the right and the wrong switch… Goddamn and bless him… (Damn for the cold… Bless for the duve… I turn on the radiators and decide i'm to cold to battle my "fireplace" or cook at the moment… After an hour of "regenerating" i decide to take up the battle with the "fireplace", followed by the mighty "dishwashing battle", and the cooking battle… And 10-20minutes later… Hot supper in a hot house with small slippers and fireplace burning… Seated in "the 2 chair comfy" nice and warm…
End of drama ;)
Uh… Did i mention that the circulation pump in the store had stopped working? No? Well there've been no heat at work for the last 2 days… cold… cold… COLD!
But if you had the choise what would you prefer… November storm, or November rain… I've made my choise i choose…
Novemer rain of course… Great songs beats crappy weather
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