
tirsdag den 22. juli 2014

Going up!

Yesterday evening, i finally got some of the bunker pictures i wanted... And it looks awesome! Haven't edited any of them yet, i'm gonna do that when i return to Aarhus. BUT i might have a sneak peek somewhere... 

There we go, look at that sexy shadow... Rawr! ;)

It got pretty late as usual, and my feet still hurts, but in a couple of hours i'm out again, this time on another beach.

Terrorists all over

I HATE tourists... They walk all over the place, thinking: "I'm on vacation, i don't need to move"... And then, the locals in Søndervig just decides: "lets have a flea market, on a parking lot... Taking op most of the parking lot, and let the tourists walk all over". And of course i had to come along with my car. Didn't hit anyone, but i did send some evil thoughts to the woman who just ran up to the parking guard as i was about to ask him a question... And then she had the nerve to ask me to move, because her car was just behind mine.
*sigh... "One moment mam, i just have to ask this guy a question."

Arriving in Vigsø, not that many tourists, but the ones i saw where bathing in the middle of some very huge bunkers in the water... Now everyone knows that's dangerous a strong undercurrent can take you under and bang your head against probably 50 tons of concrete... Do the math. And also water washes away the concrete over many years, and therefor the iron armour is exposed, and that can give some serious injuries. 

Famous bunkers

Famous in Denmark. I found the command bunker from the danish movie "Olsen Banden i Jylland"... (yes, yes movie star bunkers ;) ) 

There it is loong away from the coast 40 years ago it was
a lot closer... The bunkers are slowly sliding out to sea

There's a lot of bunkers in vigsø... I don't even know where to start
I think i looked like this when i saw the beach... Just less jumping, because "terrorists/tourists" had invaded the beach. 

The Norwegians also thought it was a good movie... They ripped it almost scene by scene.
Right one is original movie (danish) the other is norwegian... Same scene, different locations, different reception from the audience. 

Haven't found the nazi gold hidden in the bunkers (according to the movie). But who knows, maybe tomorrow ;)

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