I've told stories about this house to some of you... Told you how big the spiders are... How many bugs, and how old it is... Well now i've finally eliminated all the problems in the house... So i'm ready to take you for a tour now...
Lets start with an overview of the property... Yes... I brought my car with me to Bornholm... Of course... I'm not going on an adventure without my faithful car...
Now... That's the gate to my house... Very important to have one of those when living in the city... Why? I don't know... I'm a farmer boy... Not a city person... But very important.
I also got garden furniture... Quite nice when living on the sunshine island.
A non working fire place... Could i fix it... I actually don't know... But there's a Weber grill in the tool shed... So i'll manage
A KITCHEN DOOR! Don't know why i think it's awesome. After all it's not isolated... At all.
So when winter comes... But for now quite awesome... And filled with spiders...
Tool shed, woodshed, and a shed with extra beds... |
Lets take a closer look...
That's the sleeping "shed"... Now i don't use that... Mostly because it haven't been used for a loong time... And also because i hate walking outside every morning, or every time i have to pee... And well... There's one bedroom inside the house... Just enough for little me ;)
A tool shed... Now do i know how to use one of these fabled tool sheds... Of course i'm from Jutland... And i actually mowed the lawn last weekend... So now i've got the prettiest lawn on Bornholm... (That is part of the adventure... Keeping the house nice.)
fwafwa |
My wood shed... Aka "what once was some kind of "medieval" toilet, but now a wood shed"... Again millions of spiders... Lucky i'm not suffering from arachnophobia. Because sometimes i think Snogebæk is like the place in all Denmark where all spiders go every summer... Like tourists... Spider tourists... No, i'm not smoking weed right now... Haven't gotten any ;)
Now just look at that lawn... Oh god, i sound like an old man... Imagine me in 40 years... (Old rusty old man voice) Noooow my son, when iii was a young man, i moved to Bornholm for 6 months... And during that period i always kept a nice lawn... So you just go out there and mow the lawn, while i sit here with my newspaper, smoking some pipe, and drinking a glass of old expensive scotch (whiskey)." Yeep... Fighting to be a rich successful photographer...
My cosy little living room... And my "me spot" in front of the TV... (Nothing has changed there... Still a cosy head).
The kitchen... A land of many mysteries... As you may notice, no dishwasher... All old school dishwashing by hand... Has it's downsides, when you have one of those days where you don't have the time after breakfast, and after diner... So it just grows, and grows... Some days.
My bedroom... Not much to say about that... Except that Bruce is always guarding it... Now apparently i caught him sleeping on duty, hiding under my iPad...
And the bathroom... Now only have 5 minutes of hot water when showering... So i can't take my 30 minute showers anymore :(...
That conclude our tour of my little house, now as you can see it's not much, but it's home...
And by the way, if you should be thinking: "Bornholm... Never been there... I wanna go there..." Then you're more than welcome to call, or write... I will happily let you crash in my little house... Just one rule... The Bedroom is MINE! Bruce is guarding it ;)
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